| QUIXOTIC closes a €1.3 million SEED ROUND
We believe there is a direct link between lowering the cost of energy and increasing the quality of human life. Our vision is to improve the lives of millions of people and end energy poverty.
Our way of doing this is, firstly, by eliminating the barrier to entry for the next generation of energy entrepreneurs, empowering them to compete in an increasingly competitive global arena; secondly, by creating and managing Energy Communities, generating thousands of shared economies.
Years ago, energy selling moved beyond just commodity management and began focusing on placing the customer at the center of its operations. At QUIXOTIC, our goal is to democratize access to the automations and software tools needed to operate in a competitive, robust, and agile way within the energy sector.
Furthermore, Energy Communities are a social concept, and QUIXOTIC focuses on delivering environmental and economic benefits to all community members, utilizing distributed generation, sharing energy surpluses, and more.Welcome to the real energy revolution.
QUIXOTIC was born from the vision and experience of doing consulting for utilities in Spain for years. With decades of experience, our team has implemented, integrated and managed cloud solutions to transform the energy sector. Our goal is simple: to revolutionize how energy is billed, managed, and consumed.
QUIXOTIC democratizes access to the tools needed to compete, facilitates the entry of new players into the market, improves competitiveness and lowers the cost of energy, while:
Automating tasks, saving hundreds of hours per month
Empowering new energy entrepreneurs
Facilitating the creation and subsequent management of sustainable Energy Communities.
Allowing utilities to create innovative energy products, improving competitiveness.
Having fun while doing it
QUIXOTIC in numbers
Request a demo and find out how QUIXOTIC can help you.